Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Monica and Isabella

I had so much fun shooting with Monica and Isabella. Feel free to check out more photos from this shoot over at Dani Dyer's photo blog.

Thursday, July 26, 2012


Nikki was kind enough to pose for the entire afternoon without complaint. I can't say the same about myself. This shoot was rife with technical difficulties. I would love to redo this shoot as I didn't quite end up with the look I had in mind. On a positive note I am pretty happy with the shots I decided to process. Nikki is an awesome model and a pleasure to work with (even when I'm having an off-day). To see some more photos from this shoot check out Dani Dyer's Blog.

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Highway 79

Here are some shots from a collaborative shoot between Dani Dyer Photography and myself. The shots were all taken along Highway 79. A huge thank you to Krissy for modeling and producing some stunning poses for us to work with. I had an awesome day, the whole shoot was a great experience (we won't get in to the lighting/ wind/ umbrella issues). These are just my shots, check out Dani's on her blog.

Sunday, July 1, 2012


This is Sydney, she's a brindle pit bull. She is a sweetheart and loves to pose. This was just a test shoot to try some different lighting techniques with multiple strobes. Actual shooting time was only a few minutes (with the majority of the time being spent moving/ modifying lighting) but I think there are some really lovely shots here.